Aerial Hammock Classes are coming!

Aerial Hammock Classes are coming!

Have you heard?  We have added Hammock to our program.  If you are trying to get strong, flexxy and toned then the hammock is right for you!

What is a hammock?

A basic aerial hammock is a fabric hammock suspended from the ceiling creating a swing that's easy to sit in and suspend yourself.  

Aerial hammocks are comfortable, highly versatile, stretchy and less intimidating than many other aerial apparatus.  The Hammock can support aerialist of all sizes and shapes.

At Vertical Joes there will be a variety of hammock setups and rigs based on the type of class we are teaching.  Please be sure to read class descriptions in detail to be sure the class is right for you.

What are the Benefits of Hammock

  • Correct alignment and support for yoga poses and asanas
  • Assistance with stretching with less pressure on joints
  • Aerial fitness flips and tricks
  • Improved grip strength
  • Increased Core Strength
  • Restorative yoga poses
  • Alleviating back pain
  • Yoga Inversions
  • Improved Flexibility

What do I wear to class?

Leggings/ Fitted Workout pants

Shirt WITH sleeves (no exposed armpits)

Good Supportive Undergarments

No Zippers, Tassels, Buckles or Other Adornment

What's The Difference Between Aerial Hammocks and Silks 

Aerial Silks is traditionally a circus act with a focus on tricks, tumbles and dance. Aerial Silks uses a fabric hung from the center with two fabrics, or ribbons, that hang down from the ceiling.  Aerial Silks is a generally more challenging than aerial hammock.  In our Silks classes the aerialist ascends above 5 feet in Hammock classes, we remain below 5 feet.  Our Aerial Hammocks are suspended in a swing position, our silks classes remain as two separate pieces of vertical fabric, or one.  Silks can also be rigged into a hammock, however, the fabric stretch and versatility of tricks will be different.  It is recommended to begin in hammocks prior to silks classes.  

How Much Are Classes?

Individual classes average $35.00 Most clients have a membership or class card.  Our most popular is our 24 Classes for $89.00 deal which includes In Studio classes, Online classes, Practice Hours and more.

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